Favorite Bible Passages

John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Our Family Choices

In May, my wife and I decided to take the adoption route for starting our family. This decision was not made easily and I will give you a little bit of back history so you understand where we are at.

At the time of this decision, we had been married 9 years. For the first few years we had the attitude that if we got pregnant, we got pregnant. We have never used any kind of protection whether that was condoms or the pill. About 3 years ago we decided to really start trying to have kids. Nothing happened. My wife, bless her type A personality, started researching what we needed to do to help the process. She was taking her temperature daily, on pre-natal vitamins and so on. After a year or so of this we decided we needed to talk to a doctor. There was blood tests, semen tests, surgery for my wife and all kinds of medication for her. Through this whole process we were watching our friends and family starting there families and seeming not to struggle at all. Now don't get me wrong, we love our friends and family and are extremely happy for them. We have 8 wonderful nephews and a beautiful niece not to mention our friends' kids who call us auntie and uncle. It is just really hard when we want children so bad and can't seem to make any head way.

That is our story to this point. We were super excited when we made the decision to adopt. We felt we could finally start moving forward. It has been, as a close friend that has recently gone through this process said, a roller coaster ride of emotions. We are excited to start a family; scared to start a family ( I know everyone goes through this) and stressed about the lack of control we have through the whole process. We have wonderful families who are very supportive and an awesome church family that has been behind us through this whole process. Without their support we would not be able to handle this. And we know God has a plan for us and that this will are work out the way HE wants and has planned. We just need to learn to let go and wait on Him. That is probably the hardest part for both of us.

We are going through Bethany Christian Services for our adoption. They have been awesome to work with and we can tell they really care about the families and kids they are working with. We have finished most of our paperwork and they have received both backgrounds checks and everything is okay. All we have left before we can start the home study is the 60+ self study questions. We have set a deadline of Thursday the 26th of August to have these done, it looks like we will make that deadline. As of this post I only have 11 questions left!! WhooHoo!!

I am just so glad that I have my loving wife (she is also my best friend) to go through this process with. She has been absolutely wonderful and patient with me.

That is where we are at now and I hope to keep the updates coming regularly. Please pray for patience and strength for us as we make this journey.

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