Favorite Bible Passages

John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Adoption Update!

We will be having our profile shown to a birth mother this Friday the 18th of March. We have known since last Tuesday that it would be shown. It was a tough decision to have it shown since the birth mother wants to name the baby. That is something we were hoping to be able to do. It is easier for me to let go of this than it is for my wife. I know she is still struggling with this decision. But she is strong and will come to terms with it. Right now we are struggling with not getting our hopes up. We know so much info on this baby that it is hard not to start planning for the chance that we might be chosen. Please keep us and the birth mother in your prayers. We know that God has a plan for this child, we just hope that it will be to come home with us!!

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